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Hondentrainer redt hond

Canyon Crest K9 Training Center owner, Ron Pace, saves the life of a boxer with CPR during a regular training session. During the session, the dog went into a seizure. As he stopped breathing and Lay-ed down Ron handed his assistant his Iphone with the video on and said to capture this so a veterinarian can see what happened. At that point he said to the handler move your hand so I can see if he is breathing and she said he is not. Ron immediately applied CPR. Sugar had stopped breathing for 2 minutes. He finally regained consciousness. Once the dog was resuscitated, the owner took him to the vet. It was later found out Sugar has Cardiomyopathy. We believe it's not just a coincidence that this dog's name happened to be SUGAR and his life was saved. Ron Pace has dedicated himself to training diabetic alert dogs to alert their owners to dangerous blood SUGAR levels.