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Franse hooligans vallen Sky ploeg aan.

Team Sky staff altercation with supporters during Tour de France 2013 - Stage 20 / At the end of stage 20, finishing up Semnoz pass, a Sky car was hit by a camper van backing up. When the Sky staff got out to check they were attacked by supporters, in particular the camper van driver. They didn't answered back the knocks and were surprised by the violence of the attack. In the end, you can see them leaving the scene as advised by my brother (the one with the grey backpack), who was actually the only guy speaking english and therefore able to advise the Sky guys. We heard a lot of anti-sky, anti-english comments, treating them of "all juiced" and telling them to "go back home" (those comments were in French). Personally, me, my brothers and my friend, we were shocked and disgusted by the attitude of those people, clearly they spent all the day drinking and the nice weather heated up everybody. And they were quick to attack and insult anybody. We tried our best to advise and sort out the situation, it was unexpected, and hopefully very rare. It was a cool day supporting every rider we saw inculding the Sky ones, good memories and "Vive le Tour !"